Lawrence’s Own Ziwe Shows Her Wilbur Theater Audience Why She’s Already Iconic

Despite those years in her LPS uniform

Stacey Curran
4 min readJun 18, 2024


Photo by writer of the Wilbur stage before Ziwe’s show

Writer’s note: This was written on Nov. 29, 2023. This piece was on spec to Ziwe’s hometown newspaper which she mentions in both her book and act. It is also my hometown newspaper, my first byline in 1984, when I was 14, so I was very disappointed when the article was



Stacey Curran

Former journalist; few N.E. Press Assoc. Awards, few Boston Globe Magazine essays, @TheBelladonnaComedy @Slackjaw @BostonAccent, @WBUR, grocery lists.